Certificate showing the contribution of 71 trees planted through HayleyMulch.com.

We've Planted 71 Trees with The Eden Reforestation Projects!

This certificate acknowledges the impact made by HayleyMulch. 71 trees planted. The company's funding contributes to the restoration, conservation and protection of global forest systems and reduces extreme poverty in developing countries. Trees are planted through thegoodapi's partnership with Eden Reforestation Projects. Mirvise N., Co-founder the GoodAPI. d2212240 Certificate ID.


When you purchase from this store, not only are you supporting me as an independent creator, but you are helping to plant mangrove trees in Madagascar and helping local communities thrive. 1 tree is planted for every order.

If my creations can give back something to the world in any way, I know it's all worth doing for a better world. Learn more about The Eden Reforestation Projects here and how it helps around the world.

In May 2023 alone we planted 4 more trees. Let's see can we plant 100 trees, and beyond!

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